How did Cutler Heights get its name? That question has been posed by Elaine Neale, who has been remembering her pre-war childhood in that area. Her memory was triggered by a couple of Past Times items about old gas lamps.

"I remember well the old gas lamp straight outside our front gate which was lit each night by a lamplighter, not with a long taper but with a long pole used to pull the chain which lit the gas," she writes.

"His name was Bob Hawks-worth, great-grandfather of the present Hawksworth Brothers Window Cleaners. Later when he was called into the fire service during the war his job was taken over by a Mr Bainbridge, if I remember right, and then electric took over.

"Your article, which sparked off memories of my life at Cutler Heights, made me think (as I often have) how did this area get its name? Can any local historian tell me? Was there ever a cutler's there and if so when?"