Omar Khan admits the Bulls simply must beat Hull FC on Friday and has urged supporters to turn out in force for the club’s biggest game of the season.

After nine defeats in their last ten Super League outings, nothing less than victory will do for Francis Cummins’ men as they bid to keep their play-off hopes alive.

Khan is calling on fans to back the Bulls in their thousands against Hull as they enter the final six games of the regular season, with four of those on home soil.

Peter Gentle’s side have faltered badly themselves in recent weeks, losing their last four Super League matches before bundling Catalan Dragons out of the Challenge Cup in Perpignan on Saturday.

The Bulls produced arguably their best display of the season in losing to Wigan in their last outing and Khan said: “I firmly believe we can build on the performance shown against Wigan to beat Hull and use that momentum as a springboard to finish inside the top eight.

“A lot is talked about games being four-pointers but this one certainly is.

“Defeat would put us six points behind them and I seriously can’t see Hull FC allowing us to get back in the play-off picture if that were to be the case. It means that Friday’s game is crucial for us as a club.

“Defeat obviously wouldn’t be the be-all and end-all. However, it would leave us in a precarious position adrift of the play-offs.”

Khan began his reign as owner and chairman of the Bulls with a home match against Hull in the penultimate game of the 2012 campaign last September.

Gentle’s side romped to a crushing 70-6 victory but Khan believes a huge home crowd can hand the Bulls a significant advantage in Friday’s televised clash.

Not since 2008 have Bradford reached the play-offs but Khan said: “A large, vocal home support could be crucial in our bid to narrow the gap on eighth-placed Hull to just two points.

“The fantastic ‘Red, Amber and Black Army’ are without doubt the best in Super League and, by continuing to give us their fantastic vocal backing, our loyal supporters can really help lift the team against Hull.

“I hope thousands of them come out in force on Friday to support this crucial game in our push for the play-offs, because if they do, it will certainly add to what is sure to be a great atmosphere in front of the Sky TV cameras.”