FOUR primary schools have qualified for a place in the West Bradford Partnership final of the under-nines' Drax Cup after competing at Thornton Cricket Club and Bradford Park Avenue.

Farnham, Allerton, Copthorne and Lidget Green all secured a top-two finish in their groups after playing a series of pool matches against eight other schools from the Bradford West School Sports Partnership.

At Bradford Park Avenue, Copthorne and Lidget Green were the strongest teams on the day, with a 131-113 victory to Copthorne deciding the winner and runners-up positions.

At Thornton, two wins for Farnham with a score of 134 against Heaton (112) and Thornton (84) ensured victory, while Allerton enjoyed wins over Clayton Village (155-144) and Heaton (151-138).

Mike Tetley, school games organiser for West Bradford said: "It was a great day. Congratulations to our four winners and to all the competitors who took part. They should be very proud of their efforts."

The teams will now meet for a Partnership play-off tomorrow at Bradford Park Avenue to decide which school will go through to the regional stage of the competition next month.