Trials to find two boys’ teams and two girls’ teams to represent West Yorkshire at under-11s sportshall athletics will be held at the Richard Dunn Sports Centre on Sunday, January 9.

Primary schools within their respective School Sports Partnerships have been taking part in inter-school competitions, finishing with festivals to find the best.

All Bradford primary schools are encouraged to send their best six boys and six girls from years five and six to take part.

Individuals can also apply if they are not coming with their school.

Promising year fours can also come along for the experience, although they will not qualify for a team place.

Entry forms are available to download from www.bingley, listed under fixtures, or they can ring Alan or Christine Oates on 01274-416286. Entries should be posted to the organisers beforehand, although if late, numbers can be collected on the day.

The competition entry fee of £3 includes free entry to Richard Dunn Sports Centre to juniors and up to two adults.