SIR - I wonder just how long the people of this country will blindly believe everything that the Tories tell them?

Brexit will be a simple affair and we’ll get a great deal, the economy is stronger than ever, wages are rising faster than ever, we have more doctors, more nurses and more teachers.

They are telling us bare-faced lie after lie and the country just goes on accepting their word as gospel.

I can only put this down to well drilled propaganda techniques being strictly adhered to by the party faithful.

In reality, it is plain to see that they are ignoring the NHS and social care crises and trashing the economy by pandering to their super rich corporation friends while starving all public services of vital funding.

When the whole thing finally blows up in our faces, I’m pretty sure that it will all be blamed on Brexit and written off as unavoidable.

They will probably even manage to put it down, as everything else, to the legacy of the last Labour government!

Colin Durkin, Moffat Close, Bradford