SIR - Once again Cllr Simon Cooke spectacularly misses the point when it comes to development and planning for Bradford district’s future.

The Community Infrastructure Levy we wanted to charge developers has not been allowed by Government.

We know that even if Government had allowed it, it would not plug the infrastructure gap the district suffers from.

The scale of the need is such that it needs to come from government but tragically they are continuing their cuts to Council budgets and continue to spend far more on infrastructure in London than across the North.

As for the Local Plan – ours would be in place now if Cllr Cooke’s own Tory MP hadn’t stopped it. In spite of many requests from us for it to be released, the plan has been held up in Tory Government bureaucracy for months.

The longer the delay continues, the more vulnerable our green belt is in. If Cllr Cooke wants to see it implemented he should have a word with his own MPs and get the government to pull their finger out.

Alex Ross-Shaw, Portfolio Holder – Regeneration, Planning & Transport, City Hall, Norfolk Gardens, Bradford