SIR – I thought that the latest phenomenon of ‘alternative truth’ was a recently created American thing, but after watching Mrs May’s virtuoso display of refusing to answer simple questions, I now realise that this is an international problem.

Our leaders now find it acceptable to repeat lies until accepted as the truth and to completely disregard any question which may call for any alternative to these lies.

The best that anyone can hope for after being purposely smeared in the media is a lightweight statement that their words were taken ‘out of context’.

We should all be very wary of how easily acceptable these ways are becoming in today’s modern media-obsessed politics.

Sadly, the days of honest politicians with honest ideals appear to be numbered and even when they do make an appearance, they are either ignored or ridiculed by the media and political opponents.

We are no longer governed by political belief but by the wealth of corporations and their control of the world`s media. Sad but very true.

Colin Durkin, Moffat Close, Bradford