SIR – Regarding general media bias towards Jeremy Corbyn: If people are given the facts (such as real policies) without a negative spin that instead attacks the person, people can make up their own minds without such bias which is often misleading and doesn’t reflect the reality of what he stands for.

I strongly believe in the Overton window theory that says that what is seen as being politically orthodox, the done thing, as well as possible economically at any given time in history is seen within a ‘window’ of possibility.

In the three decades after the war, what is seen as politically orthodox now ‘within the Overton window’, would have been seen as fringe economics by the standards then.

Along comes Jeremy Corbyn who exists to the left of the current Overton window and shows a different way of doing things and the media will try their hardest to maintain the status quo (political consensus) and not allow such ideas to circulate factually and widen the window, or, perish the thought, move it leftwards.

George Hitchcock, Southlands, Baildon