SIR – The news (T&A, May 22) that Morrisons hopes to build a new convenience store at the controversial Buck Lane site in Baildon simply beggars belief.

Bradford Council promised that this site would be for high-tech businesses, have prestigious buildings, and produce well over 700 jobs.

And what have we ended up with? Some glorified sheds, little high-tech business, and few jobs.

Additionally, these sheds are an eyesore for miles around, with no attempt made to camouflage the roofs or, as yet, the site.

The introduction of a convenience store on this “high-tech” site would just rub salt into the wound, and confirm how inept are Bradford Council and its planning department. They have let us all down badly here.

Further, what about Morrisons?

Perhaps they could concentrate on providing the promised store at Crag Road in Shipley rather than this unwanted convenience outlet?

Comment on that point from the company would be pertinent.

Bob Watson, Springfield Road, Baildon