SIR – I listened with amusement as David Cameron struggled with his latest bid to blame someone else for his failings.

After stating that it was Vince Cable that was responsible for the immigration numbers, he then went on to become Minister of stating the obvious!!!

“I will make it illegal to work illegally in this country”...pure genius !!!

What next I wonder? Perhaps he will make it illegal to carry out any illegal activities, thus saving billions on policing?

Having failed to get rid of the deficit, failed to reduce borrowing and failed to reduce immigration, he has a dilemma now.

Having also dispatched the Labour party at the election, who can he blame for all his failings now ?

On top of all this, he now has to persuade the rest of the EU that they will be in serious trouble unless they bow to his demands.

Deluded doesn`t even start to describe the man`s state of mind.

Having achieved his goal of a second term I feel it’s only a matter of time before he steps down or is forced to do so by his own party after his failed EU gamble explodes in his face.

Colin Durkin, Moffat Close, Bradford