SIR - Regarding the Chief Executive of Yorkshire Water’s promulgation of commercially biased PR (Letters, December 29), I ask that you should publish what he did not say.

Like any company, they need to invest, but the prime purpose of this investment is to maximise the amount of money which can be taken out of our economy and given to their foreign owners.

They made a profit of £186 million and paid no corporation tax, but as a monopoly they were able to pay dividends of £256m mortgaged against the secured future payments of their customers.

If Yorkshire Water have the moral responsibility which Richard Flint seeks to imply, then they would cease a system of manipulated tax avoidance and stop frightening the insecure into taking out expensive and mostly unnecessary insurance.

Distribution problems should be part of the supply package and Yorkshire Water’s responsibility both on and off the customers’ premises.

John Pashley, Westcliffe Avenue, Baildon