The decision by Bradford Council to close down an unauthorised nightclub will hopefully lay down a marker for those businesses who believe they are not bound by planning regulations.

The Jumeirah in Listerhills has, according to a Council report, being operating illegally as a nightclub, and the authority is to take enforcement action to shut it down.

The report says that the club has blighted neighbouring properties, including residents and other legally-run businesses.

There are complaints about disturbance levels, noise at unsociable hours, and even brawls on the street.

Those in itself would be legitimate grounds to consider closure, but the fact that those behind it have simply rode roughshod over planning rules and have not even bothered seeking permission means that this action cannot come soon enough.

As Councillor Ruqayyah Collector says, there are businesses who try it on by setting up without permission, assuming it will be granted retrospectively.

But that is not fair on other law-abiding businesses who go through the proper channels, or on those who live nearby and are affected by developments.

Anyone wanting to set up any sort of business must go through legitimate channels and if that doesn’t happen action must be taken as soon as possible.

The concerns are even stronger with a business like this, with an array of safety and health issues to be taken into account; for the sake of those impacted by this illegal nightclub, it should be shut down immediately.

And hopefully this strong action by Bradford Council will send out a strong message to those who believe planning laws do not apply to them.