As much as we expect our local authorities to keep our public areas in good condition, it is a fact that we also tend to rely on volunteers to do their bit as well - especially for areas that don't fall under the council remit, such as private homes and community venues.

However, money might be tight for individuals and groups and they very likely don't have the resources to do their properties up to a standard that they would like.

So thank heavens, then for the Bradford Community RePaint group, which through innovative use of recycling allows community groups and projects to buy paint cheap, and also has a team of volunteers who help decorate the homes of those on low incomes through the district.

The not-for-profit organisation hit upon the idea of collecting unused or unwanted paint to repurpose rather than have it thrown away - last year they collected 84 tonnes of paint.

With Volunteer Week starting next Monday, the organisation is looking to recruit more people to help out - and learn valuable skills at the same time.

Volunteers are the oil that keeps the machinery of any society moving. We probably all wish we could spare the time to volunteer with some organisation in some capacity, but we're generally convinced our busy lives preclude that.

That might not necessarily be the case. Some charities and organisations would be grateful for even an hour of your time just once a week - and that could make all the difference to someone's life.

So whether it's with the Bradford Community RePaint group, or some other worthy cause, do consider donating the gift of time.