We are, as a nation, generally becoming more sedentary and unfit - there are many distractions which take us away from physical exercise, from the TV to video games to surfing the internet.

We become more reliant on our cars, even for short trips, and busy lifestyles mean that people just don't find the time to take much meaningful exercise.

Even those who do have time on our hands might find that the cost of keeping fit - especially if it means joining a gym - is just too much as we all tighten our belts.

But the lack of exercise is having a great cost on the NHS - around £9.9 million every year in Bradford, according the latest figures.

Lack of exercise and physical activity does not just make us overweight and unfit - it can and does lead to long-term health conditions such as coronary heart disease, as well as diabetes and even cancers.

Heart disease takes up the lion's share of this NHS spend in Bradford, and it is deemed to be one of the district's biggest killers. And only having a fitter, healthier population will reduce this incidence of illness and expenditure.

While many of us will rightly say we do not have time and money to embark on rigorous health regimes, there are lifestyle changes we can take up ourselves to try to mitigate the problem.

Going for a run or even a brisk walk costs nothing apart from a small amount of time. We can improve our diet and stop smoking as well as reduce our alcohol intake.

No-one is advocating a totally puritanical lifestyle, but small changes can help both us and the massive amounts of money spent on treating illnesses brought on by lack of exercise.