Dog fouling is a scourge of modern life that is not only unsightly and unpleasant, it also carries with it very real health dangers, especially for children.

So it is understandable that parents in Queensbury are reluctant to let their children go to a local play area because of the incidence of dog mess in the vicinity.

Dog faeces can carry a parasite that can cause toxicariasis in humans and which, at its most extreme, can cause blindness.

There is absolutely no excuse these days for leaving dog mess lying around in public areas. Where there are no actual by-laws in place threatening fines for those who refuse to pick up their animals' droppings, every pet owner with a conscience should surely do it automatically.

It has to be said that the majority of dog owners are responsible and carry with them bags and scoops to get rid of their pet's mess whenever they take them for a walk, and dispose of the bags properly afterwards.

But there will always be a minority who think that they are above doing so, or who let their dogs roam freely in public areas.

These people must understand that owning a dog brings with it far more responsibilities than just looking after the welfare of the animal. They must also ensure that their dog is not a danger in any way to other members of the public.

It is a serious issue, and perhaps one that should carry with it more serious penalties. Stiffer fines - or the threat of being banned from keeping an animal - might well encourage dog owners to be more fastidious in cleaning up.