It would seem that there is strong support for plans which will see a major shake-up in swimming facilities in the district, and the Council is set to go-ahead with the £41m scheme, subject to it being rubber-stamped by the Executive.

However, there will be some concern about the loss of Bingley Pool without replacement, as is currently proposed.

The Council is close Richard Dunn Sports Centre, and existing pools in Odsal and Queensbury, as well as Bingley are all to be closed and sold-off.

There will be a new state-of the art leisure centre built in the city centre, and two other new pools for south and south-west Bradford.

While not everyone will be happy with the closures, there will at least be alternatives provided for swimmers in the city, and the new facilities will hopefully be much better equipped.

For Bingley, however, it seems there will be no replacement, although campaigners hope they are still able to reach some sort of compromise with the Council.

That seems increasingly unlikely under present proposals, which will give a net £17m saving over 25 years. That sum is presumably based on the sites being sold for market value, which would seem to preclude hopes of a community take-over of any kind in Bingley.