SIR - Law-abiding people pay tax and VAT on income, so why not criminals?

They earn money and should pay tax on this income and over a certain amount as they are self employed VAT should also be paid; if not, why not?

Surely the tax and VAT office are not waiting for a phone call from Joe Public? Or are they?

Tax evasion - which is what it is - was good enough to nail Al Capone and should be good enough to give the criminals an extra few years for tax evasion or pay their tax.

Tax-free £165,000 for three years with board and keep thrown in - yes, please - £54,666 per year.

I think there would be a queue a mile long for a job like this, and then the prisons would be full and there wouldn't be any room for the real criminals.

L Scholes, Chellow Grange Road, Chellow Grange