SIR - Every time I open the T&A there is another artist's impression of another hair-brained scheme, but I must say the funniest one was the lake.

It looked like someone had poured a bag of pick and mix on to a table then photographed it, but the saddest one by far is the plan for the Odeon.

Someone has decided to replace a wedding cake with a doughnut, but beware of artist's impressions, they sometimes end up as a car park like the Alexandra Hotel with its fine staircases and beautiful stained glass windows.

Can anyone remember the artist's impression for that one? No? Well I can, and it wasn't for a car park.

As for the Odeon, of course it should be restored. The obvious plan would be to attach it to the Alhambra and let the two venues feed off one another.

Beryl Robinson, West End, Queensbury