SIR - The article Let there be lights' (T&A, October 20) praises another first for Bradford in the celebration of the end of Eid. The special light displays depicting traditional designs looked marvellous.

Could not this so-called city's Lord Mayor put the same enthusiasm into getting £25,000-worth of donations from local business people in order to improve the pathetic displays for Deewali and Christmas?

Bradfordians are sick to death of the sparse unimaginative displays we see every December.

One drives into Bradford each December not, of course, to do any Christmas shopping - where would one do such a thing? - only to be faced with a few pathetic coloured lamps dangling from street lights, swaying in a cold damp breeze, in a deserted town centre.

If this Council and its leaders insist on the tired old concept of multiculturalism, then they have a duty to ensure all the population of Bradford enjoy the same quality of display that was provided for Eid, and this includes ensuring the lighting up of the Alhambra, the only cheerful sight to behold these days in Bradford.

Michael Cornforth, Smithy Fold, Clayton Heights