SIR – On Tuesday, September 18, a concerned MP spoke out in Parliament about the war in Afghanistan and was dismissed from the House for his views. No doubt the majority of his fellow MPs would side with the speaker and support the war. This support is made from the comfort of the benches by making “hear hear” noises and being seen at the funerals of brave servicemen killed in action.

Last month in Iraq and Afghanistan, many coalition troops were killed. Losses like this cannot go on forever.

I propose an early day motion be introduced into Parliament called the Let us Hold Your Coat bill, whereby all members of the House who want to get over to Iraq or Afghanistan and see some action can take a 12-month leave of absence to head to the front lines.

After their training and tour of duty they can return to Westminster.

Losing an MP for 12 months would be a great sacrifice for our country to make, but I for one think it is worth it, so please write today to your Member of Parliament.

The only condition I would impose would be that not more than 100 MPs be allowed to go at any one time.

Max Hey, Fairway Grove, Bradford