SIR – Great news that the Odeon will hopefully be restored to all its splendid glory.

To make all this worthwhile, however, serious thought will need to go into how its regeneration, and how its future use, will be beneficial and viable enough to put Bradford back on the road to recovery.

Just some ideas, but during the day budding clothing designers could maybe have a shop to sell their designs and jewellery. We could have conferences and lecture rooms, a once-a-month farmers’ market, a recording studio and maybe a television studio for all our up-and-coming hopefuls out there. Now that would really put us back on the map.

Finally, how about a concert hall for the evening? Once up and running the footfall would be endless.

Unlike the Titanic, the Odeon hasn’t gone down but will live on to prosper and succeed given the right guidance and support it so deservedly needs.

S Higgins, Calverley Avenue, Bradford