SIR – I believe that all decent-minded people will view with utter disgust the French magazine Closer’s decision to print the controversial photographs of the Duchess of Cambridge. The fact that she is a member of the Royal family is irrelevant.

For Page 3 girls to flaunt their assets for monetary gain is one thing, but to stalk and invade the privacy of an individual on their own premises is an outrage.

I sincerely hope that the Duchess will take this despicable publisher to the cleaners and extract every penny from it’s ill-gotten gains, and perhaps some charity may benefit from the whole sordid affair.

I would hope that all decent-minded people would boycott this unscrupulous magazine now and in the future to display their utter contempt.

I understand that the offending French and Italian magazines are owned by Silvio Berlusconi. May I suggest that someone sneaks and publishes a photo of this gentleman without his atrocious black wig.

Elaine Neale, Gordon Terrace, Idle