SIR – As so many homes for the elderly appear to receive publicity only when things go wrong I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge through the T&A the care and attention my mother received during the seven years she lived in Rowanberries in Clayton .

While able to receive care 24 hours a day should she need it, mum was able to enjoy her privacy and to choose when she wished to have company.

Having her own front door key was important to her, but knowing that the senior carer had a master-key and administered mum's medication was comforting to me.

Mum enjoyed the company of other residents in the restaurant but preferred to take her breakfast and supper in her own flat, watching TV programmes of her choice – little things to you and me, but important when that freedom of choice is taken away!

Having care assistants to help her round the grounds enabled Mum to enjoy the fresh air and gardens that had been so much a part of her life when she was fit and able.

The regular activities and entertainments provided occasions for socialising but mum's greatest pleasure was to listen to her radio in peace – with no interruptions but with the knowledge that help was just a buzzer call away – should she need it.

Rowanberries was all we could have wished for in a care home and the environment and staff deserve every praise.

Penelope Garnham (daughter of Kathleen Ada Clarke), Main Street, Watton, Driffield