SIR – The consultation process over the proposed hydro electric scheme in Saltaire has generated interest and controversy (T&A, September 8).

My understanding of the scheme is that it is intended to help Bradford Council source 20 per cent of its energy usage from renewable sources by 2020 as part of a mix of renewable technologies and energy efficiency measures.

My concern is that the opposition to this scheme is coming from groups who do very hard work for the area but are not accountable to the public and are unelected.

It is an issue that should instead be discussed at length, with the opportunity for all members of the public to have their say.

Saltaire Village Society, for instance, do not represent my views on this issue and nor do they represent the views of many people I speak with in Saltaire.

Only seven people were, I believe, at the meeting that decided their view on this decision and generated the big story in the T&A.

They have been heavily lobbied by a small group of people who have campaigned against the weir project, but have not taken wider soundings as to the views of others in the village, such as the 80 per cent of people who attended the busy consultation which has had little publicity.

I would prefer that the people who spoke for my views were people I had a vote for. This perhaps reiterates the argument that we need an elected parish council for Saltaire so that the voice of the silent majority has a chance to be heard.

David Ford, Myrtle Place, Saltaire