SIR – May I make one final response to Mr Hall’s, apparently incurable, political myopia (Letters, August 9).

Mr Hall may be surprised to discover that I actually voted Lib Dem at the last General Election. It was my hope that a coalition between Labour and the Lib Dems would be a force for good in dissuading the Labour party from their preoccupation with the financial sector and other Tory areas of expertise.

Who could have foreseen, that the Lib Dems would instead, leap enthusiastically into bed with a reactionary Tory party to form this unholy coalition?

I believe it is the avowed aim of this Government to take as much money from the public purse, public organisations and the pockets of those least able to afford it, and redirect it into the pockets of the wealthiest ten per cent. In this endeavour, the Lib Dems have facilitated their every move. Lib Dems have abandoned any vestiges of political honesty, self-respect, electorate responsibility, or indeed, liberalism.

The Lib Dems are finished as a credible political party.

Christopher Hindle, Osterley Grove, Bradford