SIR – In response to the article on new dog laws (T&A, June 21), it says that councillors are planning to ask the public to fill out forms, etc, on what they think of the proposals.

First of all, anyone who does not own a dog may just want to ban them from all public places, while dog owners, including myself, will almost certainly vote the other way.

What a sad state of affairs it has become when dogs become persecuted in this way.

I would like to discuss with someone in authority why individuals go their merry way on bicycles – even quads – in the local cemetery, when it clearly states no cycling.

Also, myself and others have witnessed people openly writing graffiti on memorials and cenotaphs, etc.

So who is going to ban this anti-social behaviour? No-one is my guess. Probably turn a blind eye to avoid confrontation.

It’s so easy to forget dogs who have no say and are not doing anything with malice.

Mrs Linda Johnston, Wightman Street, Bradford