SIR – For once, I find myself in complete agreement with Jack MacPherson (Letters, June 21).

He is usually too optimistic about Bradford’s future for me. I was at the Scrutiny Commitee meeting where Langtree Artisan assured all present that they would have no difficulty filling the offices, flats and hotel they intended to build.

One has to wonder what strategy they were going to employ given the glut of empty offices and flats we already have.

As for the hotel situation, I rang round the main hotels in Bradford centre and was told mostly they were about half-full.

This was before the Jurys Inn and all the other hotels were finished so surely some of them must fail, leaving us with yet more empty buildings.

It is obvious that if this developement goes ahead it can only be to the detriment of Bradford. That will not concern the developers, but it should concern our Council.

Patricia Ellis, St John’s Crescent, Bradford