SIR – I would like to thank Iain Morris (Letters, April 26) for such kindly comments expressing appreciation of my efforts now and again in the letters page.

It seems from readers’ comments over time that my contributions are expected in the main to be of a comical nature.

I endeavour to keep adding my ‘two-penneth’ now and again but it can be difficult to write on occasion when one’s arthritis is performing the William Tell Overture.

The weather does not help any in this matter. “Global warming”? It will be heaven help us if we enter a cycle of ‘global cooling’.

I notice that the weather people now use the term ‘climate change’ as opposed to ‘global warming’. This is a much safer bet to avoid any misunderstanding and a possible punch in the face, which statistics prove often offends.

Terry Tordoff, Calderstone Avenue, Buttershaw