SIR – I like wind turbines. I think they are beautiful. I’ve even written a love song about the single turbine on Haworth moor: “The windmill turns, and my love burns...” etc.

But, ecologically-speaking, I’m not so sure I like them. Their concrete foundations go deep into the ground, and the spinning vanes are a threat to wildlife. Solar panels, on the other hand, pose no such ecological issues.

So why has the Government reneged on the deal Labour offered to foster large-scale solar panel development? The Ecotricy organisation has already set up a ‘sun farm’ which will generate enough power to supply several hundred homes, and they had two more on the drawing board, when the Government changed the rules, making them uneconomic.

Hopefully, the solar panels being fitted to the roofs of Bradford Cathedral will still start feeding power into the national grid very soon. My own church has asked me to examine whether this would be a worthwhile project for St Paul’s, Manningham.

Solar panels on every public building should be the way to go!

Karl Dallas, Church Green, Bradford