SIR – Rita Robertshaw (Letters, April 17) highlighted the unorthodox disposal of a dog’s “doings” down a roadside grate, witnessed from her window. I can endorse her dismay at the owner’s thoughtless action.

On the other hand, this very morning while sitting by my window reading my T&A, my attention was distracted by the sight of a gentleman resplendent in flat cap carrying an empty plastic carrier bag – with another “gloving” his hand – towing what my wife would call “an animated doormat” (small hairy dog!) on to a nearby piece of open grassland where local children often play their games.

While the dog “deposited”, its owner glanced around furtively until at the conclusion of the act, believing he was unobserved, he hurriedly moved off – the “decoy” carrier bags still intact!

At least in the former incident the owner had made an effort – however inappropriate – to dispose of her pet’s mess... which I understand is a requirement by law.

Keith Sivyer, Dalecroft Rise, Allerton