SIR – My husband and I are writing to say we were shocked today when we arrived at Richard Dunn Sports Centre to see that the cafe was to close in the near future. Bradford Council has not consulted the people who regularly use this excellent facility and asked for their opinions. We are members of TOFFS (the over-55s group) who meet every Friday and bring quite a lot of revenue in.

We joined when we retired to keep ourselves fit and have made many new friends.

The cafe and staff play a major part in our getting together and provide us with excellent food and never complain. It is unthinkable to close this as many of our members are widowed and live on their own and go three times per week to the cafe for a social get-together.

If this happens, and we hope whoever has made this decision will reconsider, they will lose a lot of custom from our group as well as other days in the week.

On Fridays most of us arrive at 10am, have lunch, and stay till about 4pm. We keep reading about keeping fit when you get to a certain age, which we are trying to do – and now an excellent facility will be taken away.

Sandra and Stuart Phillips, Harbour Road, Wibsey