SIR – Your correspondent bemoaning the break-up of the NHS being used in the local elections broadcast is wide of the mark.

The public health function and the establishment of health and wellbeing boards as part of all Council structures clearly puts the issues of the NHS centre stage. We also have a duty to scrutinise the performance of the NHS, which is undergoing a massive restructure. More than ever before, NHS and Council budgets and structures are interlinked even to the point of sharing budgets and reorganising services to get closer working and protect front line services.

The issues in adult care and child health require local decision-making based upon local needs. The award-winning partnership behind Born in Bradford is such an example. You may bemoan politics, but if we don’t discuss the priorities and then make decisions in an open way, people get angry, so politics is part of the answer.

Ralph Berry, Labour Councillor, Wibsey Ward, c/o City Hall, Bradford