SIR – If I lived in the Baildon ward she is contesting for UKIP, I would love to ask Sonja McNally when her so-called Independence Party is going to call for independence from US rule over us.

Because of Labour and Tory craven subjection of our legal system to the United States’s demands, nine UK citizens are to extradited to USA without anyone needing to know exactly what they are to be charged with.

Two of them have already been held in jail for eight years without charge, one of them now suffering from severe mental health problems as a result, the other facing 23-hours-a-day solitary confinement when he is rendered across the Atlantic .

But what does the UK Independence Party have to say about these violations of our sovereignty? Not a peep has been heard from them.

Thank goodness Bradford now has an MP who is prepared to stand up for our rights.

Karl Dallas, Church Green, Bradford