SIR – I am very fond of Menston village. It is delightful, but for how much longer?

The village cannot absorb 300 brick boxes built on green fields – nor should it have to do so. It already has masses of property built, and to be built, on the former High Royds hospital site.

It seems that some Bradford councillors appear to be determined to ruin Menston village.

l There will be 300 more houses, obliterating the lovely greenery.

l Menston will cease to be a village.

l The already grossly overloaded A65 road to Leeds will become virtually impossible to drive on. Seventeen traffic lights between Menston and Horsforth?

l The obliterated fields can never be put back to being green fields, and in the not far distant future we shall need every green field for production of food.

I’m sorry, Bradford councillors, mess up Bradford as much as you like, but keep off Airedale and Wharfedale green fields.

Dr D Halliday, Grange Drive, Hall Lane, Horsforth