SIR – For nearly two decades my ward, Guiseley and Rawdon, has been subject to one new housing development after the other.

Despite strong local opposition, and in most cases the Council refusing planning permission only to find it being overturned by the Planning Inspectorate, developers are still going blindly ahead and we will have to face the loss of green space for hundreds of new houses with their consequent impact on schools, doctors, dentists, shops and our severely congested transport systems; to say nothing of the parking problems.

With this in mind, I am delighted to give my support to the Menston Action Group (MAG), who are doing their bit to help stop more development by attempting to get Village Green status for Derry Hill, which falls under the control of Bradford Council. This would prevent 173 homes being built.

I wish MAG well. I was disappointed to learn recently of the permission granted by Bradford Council to build 300 new houses on green space in Menston, the impact of which will largely fall on Guiseley and Leeds City Council.

I hope Derry Hill gets its village green status which will halve the problems associated with this permission.

Councillor Graham Latty, Harrogate Road, Rawdon