SIR – I refer to the headline ‘A danger to the public’ (T&A, March 13) when a new expert survey shows the former Odeon building is now “structurally unsafe”, which follows close on an earlier revelation that there is a high risk of the asbestos in the building.

There can be no doubt that Bradford Council have handled the whole saga surrounding the Odeon building badly, and also shown a complete disregard to its citizens, insulting their intelligence in the process.

Add to that the £800,000 (as reported in your story) of Bradfordians’ money in creating a building which is a classic case of civic vandalism, and I firmly believe that our Council should hang their heads in collective shame.

Any new building which eventually takes the place of the Odeon will be a monument to a lost opportunity of giving our city something of vision and value.

Mark Neale, Oxford Road, Queensbury