SIR – David Ward MP is to be applauded for tackling the issue of over-priced motor insurance, particularly the way in which younger drivers are penalised.

A statistic was quoted on the BBC a few days ago, stating that younger drivers were 66 per cent more likely to be involved in an accident. I can accept that, it sounds feasible. So why then do the insurance companies charge them 1,000 per cent more ?

When I started driving, more than 40 years ago, my insurance premium was about twice the price my father paid. That hurt, but at least it was within reason.

But now any young driver, especially a male, seems to be charged whatever the insurers think they can get away with. It’s certainly not based on statistics, if we accept the BBC’s evidence.

If the rapacious insurers won’t play ball, perhaps it’s time to include basic third-party cover with the petrol tax – that way everyone is covered proportionate to their use, and no evasion, but no-one gets ripped off.

Then the hungry insurers would have to work hard to sell us a comprehensive top-up option, because it would be an option, no longer compulsory.

Graham Hoyle, Kirkbourne Grove, Baildon