SIR – We are writing to your readers regarding the often cruel practice of the tethering of horses, ponies and donkeys.

Very often0 these animals are seen tethered on the sides of roads or in fields – often without water during the hot, sunny days and without food or shelter during rain, snow and severe cold weather.

Most of the calls that we receive are from members of the public concerned about tethered horses.

With the support of various animal sanctuaries across the country, we are petitioning the Government to ban this abhorrent practice.

We have compiled a report showing the terrible suffering these animals endure. For anyone wanting to get involved in helping to stop the tethering of horses, they can contact us at: Remus Memorial Horse Sanctuary, Little Farm, Buttsbury Road, Buttsbury, Near Ingatestone, Essex, CM4 9NZ, call 01277 356191, e-mail remusoffice@, or visit

Miss S Burton, sanctuary founder/manager