SIR – The death of former Bradford headmaster Ray Honeyford (T&A, February 11) allows us to reflect on what he had to say, and consider that perhaps much of his comment has proved to be correct.

It is a pity that more attention was not paid at the time to some of his very pertinent points instead of ploughing down the multicultural path that has proved so ineffective and destructive.

Only recently Keighley MP Kris Hopkins (T&A, November 16) rightly pointed out the obvious that “all children should be able to speak English when they start school.”

He also stated that this is a national problem, and one not exclusive to the Pakistani community.

While this is indeed the case, it has to be said that the situation in Bradford continues to give great cause for concern.

Unfortunately we seem to have, far too often, a parallel society in our city.

This simply isolates that community even further from the rest of society, and really does need to be properly addressed. If this does not change, then one has to worry for the future of our once-great city.

Bob Watson, Springfield Road, Baildon