SIR – Following on from Big Energy Week earlier this month, I find that Joe Public is demonised for owning a 60w incandescent light bulb or leaving a mobile phone on charge, but some of the big players think they are exempt from climate change responsibility.

One shop has entry doors left open in all weathers, with an over-door heater responsible for blasting out more CO2 than Concorde with the handbrake left on.

I also note that a local bank has moved from green to purple by removing the energy-saving lobby and becoming thermally incontinent to the extent that now so much heat spills out that even on the frostiest of days you might catch a glimpse of David Attenborough filming a polar bear birth on Market Street.

I can only think the architect responsible for this act of environmental vandalism still lives at home with his mum and is blissfully unaware of gas bills!

The only other explanation is that this is a manifestation of bank policy excess in all things (except customer service or interest payable).

Harry Lingard, Leeming, Oxenhope