Sir – Council-parking perks must be ended (T&A, January 3), sensibly proposed by the Bradford Conservative Group, but treated with derision by the Lib-Dems and ignored by Labour leader Ian Greenwood, who cannot comment until he has consulted his bosses, the public sector trade unions.

You could not make this up. In the real world of the private sector, such a scheme would not be available. It is all part of the hidden costs of the public sector; doubtless there will be more perks on top of the wage and pension bill already paid for by long-suffering tax and ratepayers.

Every pound spent on the public sector staff is a taxation burden on the private-sector workers and old-age pensioners. Yes, this means taxpaying OAPs have to cope with lower net incomes to provide free car parking and shuttle buses for council staff. Quite disgraceful!

It is obvious at the Bradford local elections, when the public vote for Labour candidates, they should read trade union slaves, as Coun Ian Greenwood has clearly given the game away. What a clanger!

Alan Chapman, Beck Lane, Bingley