SIR – Conservative MP Kris Hopkins is advocating home rule for Keighley and Ilkley, breaking away from the Bradford Metropolitan District. The benefits are not made clear, but it does seem to be along the lines of what we have, we keep.

Brian Armitage gives a worthy reply to this extreme vision (Letters, December 20) saying that a break-up would cause hardship to Bradfordians, and where there is more wealth those having it could use some of it to help others less fortunate.

Prime Minister Cameron’s Big Society? Kris Hopkins seems not to agree with his leader’s views.

The metropolitan district is a creation of a Conservative government, and prior to reorganisation none of the now-constituent councils could go it alone, being two-tier authorities with the West Riding County Council.

Ilkley is a prosperous place, a place where you want to live rather than have to. Could it be that the residents of Bradford are contributing to this jewel in the crown?

Mr Armitage suggests that a few pounds’ saving on the council tax may be the benefit of home rule.

What could you do with this saving? Pave the streets of Ilkley with gold?

R J Lacey, Wrose Road, Bradford