SIR – I’m astounded that Kevin Warnes of the Green Party (Letters, December 16) interpreted my earlier letter as expressing my disappointment that the Liberal Democrats had “sold out” to the Conservatives. I must have expressed myself badly.

I had and have no faith in the Liberal Democrats, so I’m hardly disappointed with them. They rank only slightly above the Green Party in the list of parties I would never vote for.

The nub of what I was trying to say is that the Coalition has continued the trend set by Labour, of punishing the weak and disabled for the state our economy is now in.

Specifically, disabled and mentally-ill people are being told that they are “fit for work”, regardless of their history or present condition, and after the briefest of “examinations” by the “doctors” responsible.

In the case of mentally-ill people, the very fact that some have been tarred as “malingerers”, in effect, is likely to exacerbate their fragile mental condition. I hear no protests from Greens, Liberal Democrats, Labour or Conservatives, over this rank injustice.

That is why I feel disenfranchised. Once, the Labour Party stood for the weak in society. Not any more.

A Michael Murphy, Wainman Street, Baildon