SIR – May I, as an ex-serviceman of 13 years in the Royal Marines, have a moan about the lack of toilets in Queensbury. I remember in certain parts of the world we had to dig our own toilets – surely not in modern Queensbury! There are none.

I have lived here since I married in 1952. Then there were at least six public toilets.

I unfortunately suffer from a bowel complaint, and at 85 I can no longer run home if I need to go. And now there is not a pub one can nip into for a half-pint and the toilet.

Queensbury is no longer the hilltop village it used to be. Since Bradford Council took over we have lost out something shocking.

Wheelie bins are left on the pavement blocking paths for women with prams. Cars parking on pavements creating difficulties for blind people, litter everywhere. It’s shocking. We should all refuse to pay our council tax for a week or two.

I have complained to Councillor Wall and others with no effect.

It’s hopeless.

L Evans, Ambler Thorn, Queensbury