SIR - It is disturbing to read that Bradford Council and its partners continue to value Leeds Bradford Airport so low that Bradford's share of any potential sale may raise less than £15m.

To put this paltry valuation into context, London City Airport is currently on the market.

That almost handkerchief-sized piece of concrete cannot take large planes and has to compete locally with Heathrow, Gatwick, Stansted and the Channel Tunnel.

Its annual passenger numbers place it in the same league as Leeds Bradford, yet it has a starting price of more than £700m and the bidders are lining up to buy it!

I have no objection in principle to selling Leeds Bradford Airport, it may be a good thing, but only for its true value.

Remember, it doesn't belong to the councillors, it currently belongs to me and to all the other citizens of the partner areas - we need to make sure we get value, if and when we sell.

And only £40m is the sort of figure which the District Auditor may feel a pressing need to investigate closely, should such a feeble sale of a prize asset ever be sanctioned.

Graham Hoyle, Kirkbourne Grove, Baildon