SIR – I write as a concerned resident of Kennedy House, Ingrow.

I understand that a proposal has been put forward by the Boundaries Commission to remove the Worth Valley constituency from Keighley to Calderdale.

As the nearest Calderdale point to where I live is Hebden Bridge, which necessitates a bus ride over moorland and which is a town I rarely (if ever) visit, I cannot see the sense of allying Ingrow with Calderdale.

I shop in Keighley, use the buses into Keighley and consider myself a Keighley person.

I strongly object to being subjected to such a move and expect similar opposition from the other Ingrow and Haworth residents.

I have already registered my opposition to the Boundaries Commission and would urge everyone else to do so without delay.

Mrs Marie Caltieri, Hainworth Lane, Keighley