SIR – The letter ‘Turbines area real waste of resources’ (T&A, October 6) seriously distorts the facts.

In order to encourage the vital low carbon generation of electricity, there is a small surcharge on fossil fuel users. It is normally under £10 a year – I have never heard of a case where it is anything like £200.

There is a clear answer: switch to green electricity, which every power-generating firm will supply if asked, although they do not shout about it.

Wind turbines are not inefficient. The time taken to payback the energy used to manufacture them is about eight months; they have a working life of about 25 years and are available to generate 99 per cent of the time.

The fact that the wind is not blowing at ground level does not mean it is not blowing higher in the air.

Would Denmark and Germany be investing in big wind turbines if they were inefficient?

Many places in Britain are making clean electricity from turbines – Bradford has only one of any size, which, interestingly, is at Haworth, our main tourist centre.

Of course we need a mix of energy sources. But the new nuclear power stations will not be in operation until after 2020. Bradford imports almost all its electricity. Our district should generate its own power, and among the methods used should be wind.

How about the wool city becoming the wind city?

John D Anderson, Bramham Drive, Baildon