The news that the chairwoman of the Conservative Party has described some of the proposed changes to political boundaries as ‘mad and insane’ adds yet more weight to the already compelling argument that such changes will be extremely damaging locally.

Speaking at the Conservative Conference yesterday, Baroness Warsi appeared out of step with the Government by condemning some of the changes proposed by the Boundary Commission. If agreed, the changes would have a major impact in the Bradford district, leading to Eccleshill being lumped in with Leeds, the scrapping of the current Shipley constituency, and putting Baildon in with Guiseley.

The Telegraph & Argus has argued from the start that these and other proposals contained in the plan are illogical and divisive.

That stance has been backed up by many local politicians, and residents have also been angered at the seemingly cavalier way communities are being torn apart. It is telling that Baroness Warsi highlighted changes in Yorkshire as particularly worthy of concern.

The changes proposed in the Bradford district really do seem to defy common sense, even to those in favour of the idea of cutting the number of constituencies from 650 to 600 and ensuring as far as possible uniform levels of voters in each. They would see places with shared values and a sense of community ripped in two.

The proposals are currently out for public consultation.

It is important that the public make sure they avail themselves of that process. And say ‘No’ to the slicing and dicing up of our long-established communities for the sake of political expediency.