SIR - In the 1960s when I was a young police officer in Bradford people were reported for keeping a dog without a licence, allowing a dog in a public place without name and address on its collar, and allowing a dog off a lead on a designated road.

Owners and dogs were taken to court under the Dogs Act of 1871 if a dog bit a person on or off private land. I understand that this Act is still law. Therefore as the owner of two dogs I fully support all of the clauses on the petition to curb dangerous dogs.

However those introducing the petition also wanted a clause to have all dogs in a public place kept on a lead, stating if it was not on a lead it was not under control, even if the responsible owner was present.

Are they not aware that they run the risk of alienating all responsible dog owners who they really want on their side?

If sensible laws are made, vigorously enforced, owners of dogs sued for injuries their dogs inflict, and publicity given to these cases, then hopefully irresponsible dog owners will take control of their dogs.

Let us not penalise the majority of responsible dog owners for the actions of the mindless irresponsible minority.

Malcolm Gray (treasurer Heaton Township Association), Emm Lane, Bradford