SIR - The unseemly wrangle between the Council and the Government about financial responsibility for the traffic chaos along the A650 is just another non-surprise to those with vision and memory in equal proportions.

The real villains of this debacle are those Luddites' who, 30 years ago, mounted their misguided Nimby' campaign, which resulted in the abandonment of the proposed Aire Valley motorway.

Had this visionary plan been completed, we would all now be enjoying more free-flowing roads, with long-distance traffic separated from local vehicles, our estates would not be warrens of rat-runs, we would have avoided those offensive traffic-calming' humps and we would all be safer in car, on bike and on foot.

It is always easy to be wise after the event, but the silent majority who then sat on their hands are now sitting in the traffic jams.

The question of who pays now?' should be simple to resolve - send the bill to the surviving Aire Valley protesters, they deserve it.

Graham Hoyle, Kirkbourne Grove, Baildon